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 "Plantfed Mama is an incredible example of the amazing power of mothers helping mothers. When I was pregnant, I turned to sisters, experienced mother friends, and books that helped me with middle-of-the-night mystery rashes, questionable fevers, and nursing dilemmas. We’re connected as mothers and daughters, in this extraordinary group of fierce, vulnerable women, or mother bears. And now with Candy’s help, we can support ourselves and the ripe, gorgeous Plantfed Mamas in our lives. I can’t wait to give this book out to every new mom I know, now, and in the years to come." - Suzy Amis Cameron


A Registered Plant-based Nutritionist and Registered Master Herbalist, PLANTFED MAMA Candy Marx shares everything you need to know about thriving on a plant-based diet during pregnancy, and in everyday life. With an infant feeding guide and 75+ gluten-free vegan wholefoods recipes, amongst 22 chapters of extensive nutritional and holistic health information, including:


  • How to get essential vitamins and minerals through food.
  • The difference between essential supplementing and wasteful supplementing.- How to prepare certain foods to increase nutritional value and decrease mineral inhibitors.
  • Good carbs, good fats, and proteins.
  • The link between morning sickness, painful breastfeeding, and certain foods.
  • The link between certain foods and mineral deficiencies, gestational diabetes, stretch marks, edema, and cramps.
  • The importance of gut-health, for mama and baby.
  • Vital holistic health information for a healthy mind, body and soul.
  • Your spiritual connection to your unborn child.
  • Herbal remedies for pregnancy, delivery, after-care and baby.
  • Nourishing baby after birth and raising a healthy, compassionate vegan child.

Plantfed Mama's Holistic Guide to a Vegan Pregnancy Book - signed

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  • ISBN: 978-0-6486595-2-5

    Author: Candy Marx

    Foreword by Suzy Amis Cameron

    Afterword by Paul de Gelder

    Weight: 600gms

    Size: 6" x 9"

    Page Count: 298

    Publisher: Ethical Press Publishers

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